Table of Contents
How do I register for Prodigy Program lessons?
All registration for Prodigy Program lessons or classes takes place via JackRabbit.
Please use this link to access the registration page, and please note that you will be asked to agree to all the policies outlined on the Policy Page of this website.
How do I access my account, or pay my tuition?
All account access and tuition payment happens online through the Parent Portal of JackRabbit, our scheduling/billing software. Any changes to class schedules or teacher assignments can also be found here.
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Why are semiprivate lessons limited to only two years?
Semiprivate lessons are unique to the Prodigy Program and are provided as an economic alternative to private lessons where the individualized learning needs and musical interests of students can be fully met. As students advance, their individual needs must be addressed for them to master specific musical challenges. The two year limit ensures student advancement through private lessons.​
Why are semiprivate lessons not available for percussion, voice, or piano?
Percussion instruments involve snare drum, mallet instruments, drum set and other miscellaneous percussion instruments. This wide range of instruments cannot be duplicated during a single lesson. The study of voice must be tailor fitted to the individual. The study of voice requires individual focus upon each student’s individual physical talents and needs.​
How can the Prodigy Program offer such high quality lessons at such low rates?
Unlike private music schools, the Prodigy Program has very few expenses. The Westwood Public Schools assumes all costs for facilities, insurance and utilities. All administrative and operational expenses are held to within 12% of its entire operating budget.​
Is tuition assistance available to families that cannot afford lessons?
Yes. Tuition assistance is available by downloading an application form and then by sending it to the Prodigy Program Coordinator. A new application must be submitted every year a family wishes to be considered for assistance.
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May I pay tuition on a monthly basis?
Yes. Tuition may be paid monthly by filling out an application form and then sending it to the Prodigy Program Coordinator. A monthly application form must be submitted every year to be enrolled.​
Can my child take lessons on more than one instrument?
Yes, many students take lessons on two instruments. It is recommended that students understand they must make a commitment to practicing for lessons on two instruments a week.​
Why do voice lessons start no earlier than Seventh Grade?
Voice lessons focus on the voice in ways that may harm undeveloped voices. Lessons are deliberately postponed until the voice is ready to be challenged and developed for singing. Lessons must wait for boys until the voice has “changed.” Although not as dramatic as with boys, girls’ voices undergo change as they mature.
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Can adults take lessons from the Prodigy Program?
Yes, adults may take lessons by simply registering for private lessons on any instrument. See Prodigy Program offerings. ​
Are school-owned instruments available for my child?
School-owned instruments are not available to beginners but they are available for students who are recommended to take a “harmony” instrument such as French Horn, Baritone horn, tuba, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone or baritone saxophone. These instruments are larger and much more expensive than the instrument they started with and are made available at no cost. Parents should ask their child’s band or orchestra teacher about using a school-owned instrument.​